It is a article that shows thoughts about a Professional IT Bachelor and it doesn't Promote or Depromotes The Big AI Revolution's creator named as "CHATGPT"

The term Chat Generative Pre-trained TransformerIn short terms,known as ChatGPT has created a Big revoltion in Artifial Intelligence and it has been so much useful to humans in more different ways . Openai has created a masterpiece in AI domain.

ChatGPT is designed to understand and generate human-like text, making it a powerful tool for various applications such as answering questions, providing information, generating content, and engaging in conversation. It has been more useful to Non-Techians that they can use this AI easily and it enhances their work progress .

The chatgpt is more useful to us that we might think we can do anywork by using chatgpt . howerver , this useful AI is a unrivaled enemy for us . As an Professional in IT . I've realised that this AI is just simply Replacing Humans in many fields for a merely reason "It is far smarter and faster than us".

As mentioned earlier that this CHATGPT will be a Unrivaled Enemy. Many can question for this , why?

There are many reasons for chatgpt and it's familiar AIs that can challenge us in many fields of work .

1:unemployment in future

As mentioned in the intro that this AI's are used by many-companies for thier knowledge and speed . AS these AIs are considered as "FAR SMARTER AND FASTER THAN YOU" Then there are more chances that it can finish plenty of works with only by commands from the existing employees. They begun to use this chatgpt to generate codes and informations for their projects that will leads to their promotion and companies begun to recommend use AIs to do projects.


An Employee is given a project to build a full-fledged website for a shopping mall . Even he's being a experienced person , he will got to use references and other sources for his project , Then he gets into chatgpt to generate codes and informaion to build a website . He even uses other AIs to generate photos,videos , posters and aimations to attract the users . After copy pasting the codes and information he built a webpage and then got to submit it to his customer. what is this man! Actually it's a team-project but the whole project is done by a single man It's a good thing but, then what will the other employees do, due to this incident the other employees gets low ratings and it will leads to depromotion . The ma with chatgpt grows more higher and higher. But in this case , there's no innovation or creativity or a passion .what's he doing is just copying other's stuff .

2:Lack of knowledge

Continous use of chatgpt for every task will bring you to laziness and what are you doing .you want to think a little bit of it ! why are you simply depending on a merely machine. You can use this chatgpt for the purpose of learning and not for to make you dumb.Can you write a code to build make a mini app with specific features without any references or any intelligent AIs in interview? If you can do . just take your lap and then write codes without any references or without the help of chatgpt. just learn skills and develop yourself , not be dependent.

3:Lack of creativity

Bbsolutely this chatgpt will blocks you from creation and implementation of your own ideas . And it will not be relevant to your thinking , but you're satisfied with another idea , then you get worked on that idea.Just try to do something on your own.

I think you got a clear idea of how chatgpt plays football in your carrier.It hits a goal for you and at the same time it hits same-side goal against you .

Be clever how to use this AIs.

Author : R.Yugendran
Editor : R.Yugendran
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